Friday, April 22, 2011

forest fires in the state of America

Fort Worth - Forest fires that raged across the state of Texas, which is dry, has killed two firefighters and devoured more than 730,000 hectares of land and nearly 400 homes.

On Thursday (21 / 4), Governor Rick Perry asked for assistance from the higher side. Perry announced the time from Friday to Sunday as "Day of Prayer for Rain in the Requesting State of Texas. "

In a statement, Perry called on citizens of Texas to join together in prayer to ask for the current drought and forest fires scorch the earth-end. They also prayed for the safety of the brave firefighters and emergency management officials who have worked tirelessly to protect life and property throughout the state.

The cold weather that brought relief after berpekan-week effort to tackle the blaze is expected to end on Friday, while higher temperatures return to the Lone Star state.

Agency warns firefighters would be needed rain for days continuously in order to overcome the drought that struck the second largest state in the United States.
Volunteer firefighters, Elias Jaquez (49), died from injuries related to the fire on Wednesday (20 / 4). He and three other firefighters when it tried to tackle the blaze near Dumas, Texas.

Firefighters from Eastland, Gregory Simmons (51), also died last week. He died after being hit by a vehicle as he fled from the fire truck that was trapped in the flames.

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