Friday, April 8, 2011

Nuclier Reactor

Nuclear Reactor

An energy generated in nuclear fission reactions can be utilized for purposes that are useful for a human race. Therefore, the reaction must take place in a controlled fission in a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor it must have at least four basic components, among them: the fuel elements, neutron moderator, control rods, and concrete shields.
Fuel elements provide a source of nuclei will experience nuclear fusion. Materials commonly used as a fuel is uranium U. fuel elements can be shaped rod placed inside the reactor core.
Neutrons produced in fission of uranium is in a fairly high speed. Meanwhile, neutrons which allows the nuclear fission is a slow neutrons so that needed materials that can slow the speed of these neutrons. This function is run by a neutron moderator that is generally in the form of water. So, there is water in the reactor core that serves as moderator to slow speed of neutrons because neutrons would lose some of its energy when colliding with water molecules.

The function of controlling the number of neutrons that can produce nuclear fission chain reaction carried by the control rods. In order for a chain reaction that occurred in control where only one neutron is absorbed only to trigger the next nuclear fission, used material that can absorb the neutrons in the reactor core. Materials such as boron or cadmium rods are often used as a control because effective at absorbing neutrons.
Control rods are designed in such a way that can automatically and out of the reactor core. If the number of neutrons in the reactor core exceeds the amount allowable (critical condition), then the control rod is inserted into the reactor core to absorb some neutrons to achieve a critical condition. Control rods will be removed from the reactor core if the number of neutrons under critical conditions (deficiency of neutrons), to restore conditions to critical conditions permitted.
Radiation generated in the division process of atomic nuclei or nuclear fission can endanger the environment surrounding the reactors. It needs a protector around a nuclear reactor for radiation from radioactive substances in the reactor does not spread into the environment surrounding the reactors. This function is performed by a shield made of concrete surrounding the reactor core. Concrete is known to effectively absorb the radiation beam so that the radioactive substance used as shielding material.

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