Tuesday, April 19, 2011

humans and beauty

human understanding of reality and the concept of beauty and contemplation, which are both strongly associated only obtainable through the perceptions of cultural phenomena, especially the intangible copyrighted works or art, which covers various fields of art.

according to an ancient Greek philosopher, plato, who lives about 247 -347 BC, he believes that beauty is in the statement of the idea of ​​a pure mind, which could not be expected to exist or appear completely in the earth or the universe. by Pluto, the beauty that might have been berkilas most clearly in the truths discovered through logic. means through the science of reasoning is very well structured.

experience of beauty is never dependent on one's pleasure or displeasure or individuals on artistic subjects, but rather lies in the intellectual understanding of the artistic subject.

Christian thinkers who believe the same as the plateau is St. Agustine (354-430) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274) BC they believe like plato, intellectual truth and beauty that it is sinonimus or synonymous.

the artists who express the beauty in art copyright certainly believes that they will produce idealisai human forms of beauty.

art experts and critics claimed that the sharp understanding of a person against the concrete particularity of objects of art works, the sharper the person's perception of beauty is transcendental and universal, that is the beauty that is dil persepsional happen outside the practical limits of human knowledge, which can only achieved by intuition.

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