Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tip 5 types of food and beverages to prevent cancer

Life in the city especially for women who are modern and stylish lifestyle also influences the style and type of food. As a result, the pleasure is often forgotten in times of health and can cause disease, one of which is cancer. For women, breast cancer is the most at risk, and is now estimated that one in ten women have been infected with dangerous diseases. To that end, in order to be a healthy woman and away from cancer we need to pay attention to good nutritious food in order to avoid being deadly disease. Here's a summary of the 5 types of foods and beverages that can prevent cancer. 
1. Broccoli 
This green vegetable is very beneficial for the body. Not only as an anti-oxidant, but broccoli also has a lot of iron and various vitamins. Substances that are useful to prevent cancer is Sulforafana, a substance that can reduce the number of cancer stem cells. Broccoli should also be eaten while still fresh and raw because cooking process heat will reduce these substances. 
2. Salmon 
salmon is a fish species that is able to minimize the development of cancer simply by eating oily fish. Omega-3 fats contained in it is believed to reduce the inflammation that occurs because of cancer. Eat salmon in order to avoid loss of disease. Because the flesh of fish there are also a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty useful.
 3. Olive oil
 known oil healthy and good for the body is also able to reduce the risk of cancer. So now many upscale restauran confidently showing off her cooking with olive oil that has been proven healthy and also prevent various diseases. 
4. Parsleya
 type of foliage is excellent for fighting cancer and tumors. World health experts researching Parsley leaf pieces were incorporated into the daily diet shown to inhibit cancer cell growth. The body's defenses become stronger and more useful against cancer or a tumor in the body. 
5. Coffee
 from the results of a study among women who always drank coffee with coffee drinking is not meant to suggest that the intake of coffee less likely to develop cancer.The five types of food and drinks on our summarized from several sources and studies that have been done to anticipate the growth of cancer, particularly among women who are prone to cancer. So I submit this information, may be useful to our survival.

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